Well, I have no idea what I was doing half of the time, but I have a working prototype of an interactive map. Now, a map where you see all the areas and planets wasn’t the end goal for this project, but it does serve as a good base to build upon. I did end […]

So, from last week I’ve managed to do naff all coding other than minor tweaks to what I already have. I’ve not been idle on the project, however. I’ve been making a list of all the planets, areas and features that I can and positioning them on an image. I’ve then been getting the coordinates […]

So I started Googling for interactive maps and how to code them today. I think within about 4 links I’d found a fiddle that gives me the starting blocks for making the map and have it so you can drag and move around. https://jsfiddle.net/mekwall/zd5TJ/embed/ I immediately made a JSFiddle account so I could fiddle with […]

In one of my frequent failing to sleep moments the other night, I revisited an idea I’d had a while ago about making an interactive map to show the progress of historical events. I came up with the idea having read the latest Horus Heresy novel and realising that it was just so complex I […]