When you fail anything, be it a test or a task, it can be disheartening. The mind can start to worry that the worst will happen – in the case of a failed audit, the removal of your certified status. Although it can be hard to do, try not to panic. There are very few […]

Ensuring that your Management System is kept up-to-date is one of the most important aspects of complying with ISO Standards, especially as it is part of maintaining your certification to your chosen Standard. It’s not a document that is written once and only ever read occasionally – a Management System is a constantly evolving document […]

An audit is a tool used to review a process or function to determine if it is fit for purpose. Audits examine and compare a process against the documented version of it to determine if it still meets its aims and goals. In this way, they are great simulators for change and growth within a […]

The Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) cycle is a management method. Also known as the Deming cycle, or the Shewhart cycle, it involves 4 steps: Plan what you are doing Do what you said you would do Check that you did it right Act on anything that went wrong to avoid errors of the same nature […]

An Integrated Management System (IMS) is a complete framework that combines all aspects of an organisation’s systems, processes, and any standards that the business follows such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001. This combined system allows a business to meet all of its obligations, addressing all elements of the management system as a whole rather […]

With the introduction of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and the recent update of the UK’s Data Protection Act, a greater focus has been placed on businesses to be more accountable for the safety of data and to build data protection into their products and processes right from the design stages. To facilitate this […]

A Management Review is a formal, structured meeting which involves top management and takes place at regular intervals throughout the year. They are a critical and required part of running an ISO certified Management System. The purpose of a Management Review meeting is to review and evaluate the effectiveness of your Management System, helping you to […]

What is a non-conformity? A non-conformity is a process or activity which doesn’t fulfil its intended purpose. This could be because there has been a failure to follow the procedures outlined in your Management System, or because the documented procedures are not fit for purpose. For example, multiple complaints about a particular area may highlight […]