November NewsletterWhat do I do if I’ve failed my ISO audit?When you fail anything, be it a test or a task, it can be disheartening. The mind starts to catastrophise and worry that the worst will happen – in the case of a failed audit, the removal of your certified status. So if you have failed […]

When you fail anything, be it a test or a task, it can be disheartening. The mind can start to worry that the worst will happen – in the case of a failed audit, the removal of your certified status. Although it can be hard to do, try not to panic. There are very few […]

Ensuring that your Management System is kept up-to-date is one of the most important aspects of complying with ISO Standards, especially as it is part of maintaining your certification to your chosen Standard. It’s not a document that is written once and only ever read occasionally – a Management System is a constantly evolving document […]

A Management Review is a formal, structured meeting which involves top management and takes place at regular intervals throughout the year. They are a critical and required part of running an ISO certified Management System. The purpose of a Management Review meeting is to review and evaluate the effectiveness of your Management System, helping you to […]