Well, I have no idea what I was doing half of the time, but I have a working prototype of an interactive map. Now, a map where you see all the areas and planets wasn’t the end goal for this project, but it does serve as a good base to build upon. I did end […]

So, from last week I’ve managed to do naff all coding other than minor tweaks to what I already have. I’ve not been idle on the project, however. I’ve been making a list of all the planets, areas and features that I can and positioning them on an image. I’ve then been getting the coordinates […]

So I started Googling for interactive maps and how to code them today. I think within about 4 links I’d found a fiddle that gives me the starting blocks for making the map and have it so you can drag and move around. https://jsfiddle.net/mekwall/zd5TJ/embed/ I immediately made a JSFiddle account so I could fiddle with […]

In one of my frequent failing to sleep moments the other night, I revisited an idea I’d had a while ago about making an interactive map to show the progress of historical events. I came up with the idea having read the latest Horus Heresy novel and realising that it was just so complex I […]

I’ve been having a fair bit of trouble with this week’s part of the course. I asked if anyone had any tips and encountered a few others on the course who are also struggling. The general advice is to just copy the notebook and change the bits that are necessary. This is fine – and […]

I tried to start today by finishing off the exercise I was getting frustrated with yesterday but I’m still having no luck. I keep getting errors when I run the cells in Jupyter and so I have the feeling that I’ve not quite understood this section. Maybe the variables in the examples I’ve been given […]

Today I hope to have the final week of my Data Analysis course completed. As I hurt my back over the weekend, however, I might not be able to. Sitting at my desk on a dining chair is not the best idea and a computer chair should probably be on the list of things to […]

This week I’m working on combining and transforming data with details on life expectancy and GDP from the World Bank. The aim is to see if people in richer countries have a longer life expectancy. The data you download from the World Bank is extensive, so to make it easier to work with, I’ll be […]

Continuing from my efforts yesterday, I’ll be finishing week 2 of the data analysis course. There’s not much more to do, but I didn’t want to rush myself to get everything done before I went climbing. And climbing is important too – as an unemployed bum living in the ass-end of nowhere, it’s one of […]