Camera Controls


The in game camera allows you to determine how you see the game, whether it is from a distance or close up. It aids your navigation, allowing you to look all around you for incoming enemies or obscured objects.


The left arrow key rotates the camera view clockwise, while the right arrow key rotates the camera view anti-clockwise. You can also hold down the middle mouse wheel and move your mouse left and right to turn the camera.

camera rotation

You will have to adjust the camera to get a good view of your surroundings and all the possible objects you can interact with. Using the camera properly will ensure you do not overlook important items. In the images above, the player has rotated the camera in order to see the burning building in the distance.


To adjust the height of the camera, press the up arrow key to tilt the camera downwards or the down arrow key to tilt the camera upwards. You can also hold down the middle mouse wheel and move your mouse up and down to tilt the camera.

camera height
Maximum heightMinimum height

The image on the left hand side shows how tilting the camera downwards allows for a much wider viewing area.


To adjust the zoom of the camera, press the page up key to zoom the camera inwards or the page down key to zoom the camera out. You can also scroll the middle mouse wheel up and down to zoom the camera.

camera zoom
Maximum zoomMinimum zoom

The image on the left hand side shows how zooming the camera out allows for a much wider viewing area.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Main article: Controls interface

Accessible by pressing “Esc” on your keyboard, the controls settings interface will allow you to customise the controls described above. Note that you cannot customise the primary camera movement keys (marked in red).

Up arrowMove camera up (primary)
Down arrowMove camera down (primary)
Left arrowMove camera left (primary)
Right arrowMove camera right (primary)
Page UpZoom in
WMove camera up (secondary)
SMove camera down (secondary)
AMove camera left (secondary)
DMove camera right (secondary)
Page DownZoom out