So I’m sat in Waterstones with a huge coffee and a slice of cake consoling myself after the scariest interview I’ve had so far. The job sounded good when it was described to me, but when I got there it turns out they were looking for someone with a completely different skill set. That part […]

My friend Dave has asked me to make him a website! I’m really excited because it’s the first time I’ve had a client for a long while and a paying one too ;-). Dave has his own business making graphics for people – mostly beer labels and fliers for local businesses. He had the ability […]

So I’ve just heard back about the interview I went to on Thursday and I didn’t get the role. It was another job that I knew I could do but in the end, they wanted someone with more experience. I’m not sure if that’s the actual reason, or if I just didn’t get across that […]

Well, the time has come. It’s the end of an era – today was my last day at Jagex! I’ve been there so long it’s going to be very strange not being in the games industry. Tomorrow I move to Norwich and there are no studios there as far as I know. I’m both excited […]

So, today was my first job interview this year. The only interviews I’ve had have been at Jagex and one other company. So given that I’d only experienced two kinds of interview, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I certainly wasn’t expecting to have an interview in a cafe. The SessionCam office apparently only had […]

So it’s times like this where I really enjoy my job. I got to spend 24 hours gaming and taking part in silly activities. My gosh it was so much fun! The SpecialEffect charity were running their GameBlast 2015 event and Jagex were running the live stream for part of the event. Lots of other […]

Handed in my notice earlier today. I officially have two more months to work then, if I’ve not found something new, I’m jobless. I am absolutely crapping myself. For some context, I’m not randomly leaving the job and I’m not just making a snap decision. I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I’ve […]

So I didn’t get around to finishing chapter 3 in my last post, despite trying to work through it over several days. I have reached my saturation point about the use of computing terms and I may have rage quit. It’s a shame because the only person who I’ve disappointed by not continuing is myself. […]

It’s been a while since my last post but life occurred. The sort of fun life and work life you can’t avoid. And a certain xbox game came out too… I’ve been working on this post off and on. Writing it all down is taking longer than I thought it would. Maybe I’ll speed up […]

After the dryness of chapter 1, we start getting into the building blocks. Yay! This is mostly maths and basic methods of storage, as well as a few pointers on naming conventions and the like. I don’t recall getting stuck on any of this stuff before, so it should be a breeze to explain. Comments […]