While today was particularly productive, this whole weekend has been pretty awesome. Over most of the weekend we continued building the slim shed and have assembled the first half of the frame in place, and made a make-shift roof out of tarpaulin. There’s still the other half of the frame to go (including adding a […]

Another rejection on the job front today. I wasn’t even considered for an interview. It was only a temporary role editing a book for the UEA, but it would have been nice to have for my CV. Oh well, another job came up this afternoon so I’ve applied for that. Let’s hope I have more […]

I’ve had such a busy and tiring week, but it’s all been worth it. Yesterday was the actual performance and despite a few problems with the sound, I think it went really well. Every day was an early start and a late finish – and for someone who hasn’t had to get up at any […]

My poking around in WordPress has empowered me to poke around with mum’s website and cook her up a custom theme. Originally when I designed it (2008 I think?) I’d made it in HTML/CSS. A simple fixed-width layout with nice bright colours. I even had a splash page for it, such was the trend at […]

I came across this article on Zed Shaw’s blog today and it sums up perfectly something I’ve been trying to get across, but in an actually eloquent way instead of a rambling blog post. The basic concept is that you should have the terms beginner and early. These terms can be applied to anything, it’s […]

I’ve been working on portfolio designs for the last month. I had a cool tea box that I was using as inspiration but I just couldn’t get the right look, despite cooking up 7 different versions. You can see the best of this terrible bunch on the left. I really liked the colours and the […]

A week or so ago my dance teacher friend Sami asked if I wanted to help her out on a community project that she runs every year called the Heart of Gissing Community Theatre Project. She gets kids from the local community to spend a week rehearsing for a play. This time around she was […]

The 1079design website is finally finished and I’m really proud of it. Most of the work had been done by last Friday in terms of the main code and the copywriting. I then spent this week tidying up the gallery page, adding some rotating banners and finishing off the filler text. As well as making […]

Dave signed off on the wireframes so I’ve been working on some concepts and ideas for the layout. I based most of the ideas on the logo that he uses – it’s good for brand recognition in my opinion. I came up with three in the end, and we settled on a combination of the […]

So I’m sat in Waterstones with a huge coffee and a slice of cake consoling myself after the scariest interview I’ve had so far. The job sounded good when it was described to me, but when I got there it turns out they were looking for someone with a completely different skill set. That part […]